Being in a new congregation is always different yet exciting and is a learning experience every time. I have now come to know more of the families in the hall and I realized that the majority of these families have kids and teenagers that are not publishers. I understand that we all grow spiritually at our own pace, but in this case, I don't see or sense a desire from many to serve Jehovah in their youth. I have been in congregations where the presence of spiritually-minded youth is strongly felt, and here it isn't as noticeable. My mom talked to us about just being our usual selves with the kids here and to always speak positively about our ministry and relationship with Jehovah. So my brother and I have made it a goal to be our best to be encouraging with them.
On Saturday evening I was approached by an elder about having a demo for the Tuesday meeting. Before we finished talking he took me aside and told me something that felt reassuring,. First, he said he noticed how regular I go out in service and that he could tell from talking with my brother, working with him in service, and seeing us at meeting, that both of us love Jehovah. So then he asked me a favor and asked if I could please try to help out the young sisters in the hall. He told me to do so just by inviting them out to service, being encouraging, getting to know them. As elders, he mentioned that they have visited many at home and tried talking with them, but maybe they would be more keen to opening up with a peer. He specified several girls and I realized that there is a lot for me to do. My territory outside might be small, but within the congregation there is still much help needed and these kids are just as important.
When I got home I told my mom and my brother what I had been told. My mom felt happy that she had already previously told us about the importance our example would be in this new congregation. We just prayed about it because this is a huge responsibility. Although I believe that the spiritual upbringing first belongs to the parents, I also know that peers have an influence in the way kids think. If they see that serving Jehovah at a young age is something fun, and rewarding, and they also experience it, it can mean a world of motivation to them. I also know that I am not a superwoman or a complete expert, but if I can be useful, I will try hard. So, that same evening I invited one girl out in service for the next day and a study. I also asked another girl to join me for service Tuesday morning. Let's start this right away! I prayed to Jehovah for the right disposition, to allow myself to be used by him and also to not wear out.
Sunday morning was proof of Jehovah backing us up in the ministry. My new service partner and I worked only about two blocks together, actually we didn't even finish the second block, because we got caught up at doors. I began the morning being very upbeat and having small talk with this young sister, and she also conversed, but she is a bit shy. I asked her what presentation she had for this morning and how she preferred sharing doors. I learned that she has always lived in Rosarito, she is out of school for now, but needs to finish one year, and that she also can preach-really well. At her first door she immediately took out her Bible and gave a great presentation. The man told her that her works every other Sunday, but to please return in two weeks. He was busy, but came outside to talk to us anyway, and the whole dialogue was a success. She remembered to write down her call and said it was her third return visit. Then it was my turn and I had a great conversation too. The lady at the door asked where I was from immediately after I greeted her. I was quite perplexed as to why she needed to know that, and I tried to continue the conversation without focusing too much on that topic, yet she brought it up again. And this time she said that it was evident I was not from here, because I didnt talk to her like the other ones that stop by her door. So, I just smiled and said that I was bringing her good news and that is why I was feeling so positive.
At the next door, we found a sign that stated they had Bible Studies held there of some religious group. Well, it was my partners turn to talk, but she wanted to skip it. When she said this, I wanted to take this as an opportunity to hopefully be an example. But before offering to preach there, I gave her an idea of an introduction to use and said we both obviously believe in the Bible but that our knowledge surpasses theirs. I asked her if she wanted to try it, but she said she wanted to see how I handled it. I prayed, and smiled and knocked. An older lady was outside but when she saw me she called someone else. Then we heard a lady yelling from another gate and asking who was knocking. I approached her with a big smile and enthusiastically greeted her. She had been sweeping. Since the territory for this hall is quite limited, we work it almost weekly, and I have been telling householders that we are doing our weekly visit. This is the first time I've ever had to use this introduction in a congregations...but anyways.. I told the lady, Olivia, that we wanted to ask for her opinion regarding a well known verse, Matthew 6:9,10. I read it to her and asked her what the word "kingdom" meant to her. Vague answer, something involving our getting to know God, she said. As I continued this conversation and ended it, I told her I'd like to return to talk to her about what changes this Kingdom will bring. By the time we finished this pleasant convo, I learned that from her whole family, she was the only one that hadn't been baptized by the church her sister belonged to. She also said that yes, people to study the Bible at that home, but she didn't and she also doesn't read her Bible because she can't understand it. So much potential there!! While we walked away, I felt very satisfied and content with the outcome that morning. I just hope that my sister enjoyed it as much as I did.
You can say this was the first attempt here at motivating a young sister and I hope, I really pray, that my family and I can be true sources of encouragement in this new hall.