
rOSArito Baja News-2

Hello Friends,
  So this week was eventful. We had a family visit Rosarito from Washington and they joined our congregation in the preaching work. On Tuesday my mother and I went to study with a mother and daughter, respectively. For lunch we had some Salvadorian Pupusas. Wednsday morning service and for noon time, a sister had some girls over. We made some jewelry. Thursday we had a busy day. That morning I was partnered with Christina, the daughter of the family which came to visit. It was a great morning, and I showed her some Spanish expressions and introductions. She was able to place a book with a woman who showed interest. Her dad, Bruce, also found a woman who had just been asking for someone to visit her and comfort her. She has known about the witnesses for over 20 years, and after just having heart surgery, she wants to start studying. He was very excited and I think the whole group felt happy. Around 11:20 we stopped doing territory and moved onto doing calls. I had the Pioneer Mtg with the Elders at 12pm, so they dropped me off at the K.H. The information that was discussed was encouraging and definitely stimulating boosts. We all need to be joyful! Since a small lunch was prepared for the pioneers we went to an elders home immediately after. We had taquitos and some rice and beans. I thought it was nice and the food was yummy. The Washington fam picked me up and took my brother and I to the beach. We walked around osme curious shops, walked on the pier and soaked our feet on the icy cold ocean water. We had some icecream and the they drove us home.
 About 3 months ago I started to have this small gathering at my home every week, and we've chosen to call it Teen Nite. We read one chapter of the Young People Ask bk Vol. 1 and once we're done, we usually play a boardgame, cards, etc. It allows the young ones in the area to become familiar with one another, and also lets us express our thoughts on various themes in a spiritual manner. I know that many of the youth have appreciated it, and are upbuilt by their peers opinions. We each are trying our best to serve Jehovah and individually have our setbacks, so its motivating. It is always conducted by a teen bap brother, and my parents though not involved in the discussion, are chaperoning. Anyways, Thursdays at 6pm we have it at my place. The 2 teens from WA, Paul and Chirstina, helped my brother and I set up the living room. Soon enough, we had the house packed iwth 14 kids! We did the chapter on Health and had a lot of feedback and comments about it. I think each individual set a goal and hopes to implemetn what was learned.
 Ok, so Friday I also went out preaching and was really hoping a young girl would study with me. All week, since Tuesday, we had been calling eachother to set a time, and it did not work out! I hope that this week we actually do get together. I had my meeting that night and we were told that our Circuit Overseer visit is in 1 month. Im getting very excited about this upcoming visit. He is Rick Malet-veale and was one of my Instructors. He's originally from Canada and has served all over Mexico, as well as in the Caribbean. His oldest daughter got very sick last year and she had to go to Canada. Since their daughter was in a critical condition, aftr having one leg amputated, their service here was put on hold. He is finally back and Im really hoping to see him. Oh, one quick fact. When we first moved to Mexico 4 years ago, the whole country was divided into 4 Enlgish circuits. Now there are 7. Still, since one circuit alone is so large, we needed Sub C.O.'s throughout the country. For example, when Rick was here he had so many congs and groups to visit throughout baja and sonora, like 40 or more, that he just couldnt do it within the year. The work here is increasing tremendously!! We need brothers who are willing to work hard and give their energy to Jehovahs service. A scripture that is often used is 1 Corinthians 15:58...we should always have 'PLENTY to do' in the work of Jehovah.
 The weekend was also pleasant. Service in the mornings, and dinner invites. I will include more facts about service here in Mexico too. Oh, and thanks to those who sent me your experiences. I enjoyed them thoroughly and its evident how Jah, everywhere, is speeding up the work!
One last thing, remember the family I mentioned that came to visit from WA? Well, it was their first time in Mexico. They drove all the way from their town to check out the service here. They were able to stay at the house of a brother who lends his home to anybody that is going to focu on the ministry. ( He'll do the same with you too! Unless, you stay with us...) After being here only one week, they have chosen to move here. They will start to arrange matters back home to make that a possibility. Paul still had to finish HS, so once thats over, they seriously are planning to come to Mexico. I just wanted to share that quickly and ask that we pray for them too.
   Bueno, eso es todo for now! Keep it Up!!!!  
Izmir :) ;)


Hello Friends Everywhere!
  I had mentioned to some of you that I would start to share how the ministry is in Mexico, and this will be my first email! I have begun to take pictures of my congregation while in service and will now share some with you. Everyday we have success in one form or another and Ill share some experiences with you too. Not only are we in a different country but we are looking for a specific group of people. Those who speak English. It is very different from preaching in the US and the needs of poeple are also particular to here.
 The majority of the people we find are men, and men or women who have been deported. They have ugly pasts and also some have just gotten out of jail. Though they are in their homeland, they are so hopeless, distressed, and suffer since it is a complete change of lifestyle. The majority have grown up in the States and dont speak Spanish fleuntly or at all. Others because of their inability to communicate, their appearance, and background cant find work. They are brought here with nothing and usually have their whole family in the states. Well, these are the types of persons we preach to and almost always they will listen and many become sincerely interested. So, when we walk by someone who looks tatooed up, or is dressed with baggy pants, and has a shaven head.. we usually approach them. This is in contrast to what we might be used to doing in California or elsewhere, but we have success! Yes, sometimes we do find bilinguals and they also progress. Americans though are almost never interested. They have moved to Mexico to relax and enjoy the weather. 
  Just this summer, I know of at least 3 Bible studies that have progressed to the point of becoming Non-Bapt Publishers and are already in the school and active in the ministry. I find it to be soo exciting and a real adventure to preach here. Our 'public' witnessing skills have become sharper due to the fact that we are always, always looking for someone who might fit the descrpition I mentioned. And our hearing has also become more acute, because we are listening to people around us, checking if they might speak English. Its sometimes very funny because a group of us might be walking on a street and then we all realize that the person walking by is speaking English. Anyways, I dare say that everyday one person, if not the whole group, finds an iterested English speaker.
 Its also easy to start Bible Studies because these persons are so desperate for hope and want to know of a solution to their problems. Door-Step Bible studies are very common here, and tend to be constant. The only problem is the finding them at home again. Im not sure why, but the move a lot. They also might have not moved, but have found work and immediately take advantage of it.
  On Thursday a group of about 20 went out to do some territory, rv's and studies. From those 20, 8 are reg pios and 3 are aux. pios. I had a return visit that morning with a man at a bakery and I chose to just lead him to the BT book. I showed him page 6 and  and the few questions that are mentioned. The one that interested him was family happiness chapter though he has no kids, and Im not sure if he's married. What he did say was trhat he has all of his fam in the States. It seems like he's alone here. Well, we read 2 pargraphs of chapter 14, and we were about to finish, when drop-drop-splat!! I hadnt realized we were standing below an electricity wire and some pigeons were on them. Yeah, they chose at that particular moment to detox and what not. It was gross. It all splattered on my book and part of my sweater. It was funny afterwards, but still kinda disgusting. Anywyas, he said he thinks he already has a copy of the BT book and is expecting me and a brother next week. I will pass him on then. The group of 5 that I was with did some informal or rather, public witnessing at that flea-market around lunch time. Flea markets or open swap meets are very popular here. Every day of the week, in some part of Rosarito you will see one. Well we each got to speak to someone and I met a woman who spoke good English at her stand. We spoke a bit and I left her a mag and I hope to also start a door-step study.
 Ok, thats it for now. I will share more next week or in two. Here are some photos too. Oh, and dont forget we are always welcoming visitors and love hosting! Or if you know of anyone who would like to come, invite them right over! Mexico is something that is not out of reach for many and even if you were to come for a weekend, we'd appreciate it. Mexico is in need of those who want to step over!
  Many Hugs!!! Izmir:)
PS: Could you also please share some experiences of the ministry where you are with me?
(: Step on Over into MEXIdonia-Acts 16:9 :)

NY-2---tUES, oCT 25TH

Hello Friends....
   I have really wanted to write down and share what Ive done, but havent had much access to Internet. Anyways, heres my 2nd email! The day I left was Thursday and we flew from Orange County for about 4 hours to Minnesota. We stopped for a bout 1 hour and then had to wait a bit longer due to a delay. I tried to connect to the Internet while we waited, but to no avail. We flew out from there around 7:55, local time. We flew for about 2 more hours and I read a new book on Princess Vicoria as a young woman. The flight was okay, except for some mild turbulence. After landing, we waited for the brothers who would host us to arrive. It took them quite a while, but we finally met. My mom, brother and I stayed with Familia Vega and the rest of my family went with another family. That day we went to bed around 2:30am. The next morning, which was friday, we slept in until 10 NJ time, 7 CA time. The Vega Family had already left either to school, work or service by that time. Around lunch time my family had come by to pick us up in a van, and we headed to Sesaucus. We went to a family friends home and had chicken for lunch. We drove by the Stanley and my camera stopped working that afternoon. I was very very very very very dissapointed and still am!!!!!! We drove into New York and I loved seeing the lights, the trees and buildings. We headed to Times Swuare that evening and went home around 12am. I got soo many postcards and went window shopping. We went to the Hersheys store and M&M'S Store. I also saw the Statue of Liberty from a New Jersey tourst spot.That night we stayrd up taling with the Vega mom and boys until 3am.  Saturday we went to brunch and met up with some more old friends. I met their kids and enjoyed meeting them. I also had a Snapple.  Later that day we drove around again into NY. By saying into, I mean going trhough a tunnel that has been built under th river. It was an icredible feeling, I had never done that before, and it lasted 2 whole mintues. Anyways, I saw lots of bldgs getting remodeled and a few film crews. We drove trhough Boradway, 5th Ave, near Grand Central Park, and a loong Avenue filled with expensive shops. Oh, we had also gone to Ground Zero, whihc hadnt really interested me before, but my, was it overwhelimg! Ok, I loved loved seeing the people. THAT  in itslef was something Ireally enjoyed seeing. Their styles, hairdos, clothes, or ethinicity..Its so diverse. Ok, so we snakced on a Pizza slice, and I was idssapointed. Sorry! I look froward to another one though, and hope this one is actually AMAZING! What else??? Oh, we had Colombian food in the late evening and I liked their special pan. Yummy! I also liked a smoothie Ziv bought. A lot of the stores have such cute names!! I wrote a whole bunch down. Plus, we stopped wuickly to the MET. OH MY!! IS IT beautiful!!! I loved it, so impresive. I just saw the girft shop( which was hugeee) and bought a postcard and pencil. I also finally, finally had hot chocoalte! Ok, so we went home again around 12.  Uhm the next morning was the Vega mtg and we joined them. Went to the Stanley Theater and actually got inside. It was gorgeous, I was so enthralled by its magnificence. I am still in awe. Well, the Chinese Sp Day Assem was going on and we found this sister from Miami whom we saw In May. Ot was really nice seeing her. Another brother also showed up with his family to give us a tour. I lvoed Stanley!!! From then we had lunch with another family, and they gave us Portgoguese food....delicious! After drove to another sisters, but wasnt homeo or either we didnt find the right home. That late afternoon we just went back to the Vega home and the rest of my family did too. I organizned my luggage and then spent some time with our new friends and their neighbors watching Utube in the Living room. We played some cards and also went to get IceCream. Ok, so I have to go now...but I still havent even talked about today. TODAY was IncredIBLE!! We went to WLK and we had lunch with a sister I know. She was so nice to us and let us see 3 other extra locations. I did a frame, Ziv fixed a box...you know, like the borthers do in the DVD's...super fast! Yeah, he got to do that. I just loved it. So, we were there from 10:45-3:30 or so. Lunch was yummy, I got to meet quite a few brothers, saw new literature and felt so great. I am now at a Hotel in between Patterson and WLK. We go to Patterson tomorrow. It is so beautful here. The landscapes, the weather has actually been very nice, and everythign!! I am really enjoying myself. I will try to write again tomorrow afternoon, and maybe I can give more details tomorrow about today. I hope you are all well. Im SO happy Teen Nite was awesome last week. Miss it! Take care!!
Izmir :) ;)


  I am going to try to blog or write what adventures I go through in this trip and email you. I will begin my first one now....
So, its 11:40ish and I am at the airport waiting for them to announce the boarding. I am getting very excited and we all are awaiting the next few days. Since yesterday we've been getting the last details ready. This morning was not as hectic as I had expected, but we were all trying to settle evrything. Two friends drove my family and I of 7 to the airport and dropped us off. Haha...I just heard an airplane land. Well, from my seat I smell McDonalds, and also some coffee. Wish they would accept my Starbucks giftcard! :( Anyways, my grandma and aunt have been trying to calm their nerves. My grandfather is sitting down, waiting...checking his wallet. My brother is excited, he hasnt been on a plane since we last came form Ecaudor, over 5 years ago. He's observing the planes outside...he just saw one that has 3 windows. My uncles is also seeing the planes outside. I am getting a good nervous feeling. I wish I had some chocolate...and as I say that...ok we have to start preboarding. Okay, well thats it. Hope you;re all good!!!