

Six months into the year and I still cannot grasp how quickly time has gone by. To think that only a few months ago my life was very different to how I am living it now. 

Back in early 2015, I was adjusting to my new schedule including work. I began working twice a week on Monday and Tuesday doing secretarial work while my spiritual activity continued the rest of the week. I purposely chose it, so that I had Thursdays free to still be available to participate in Metropolitan Witnessing. This practical schedule went on for about 2 months. Meanwhile, I was persistently trying to get answers regarding Bethel service. I needed to know if my elders could send an application from Mexico to the US branch. This took us several months, but finally in early March I was able to receive a positive answer. I got an application! During Spring Break we were going to be in California for two weeks so I brought along the application with me. I read through it, prayed about it and filled in most of it. I had some questions and was hoping to have my elder's guidance regarding them once I went back home. I was excited and happy.

But something changed. 
Due to decisions made by my father, my mother decided to move back to California in mid March with my brother and I. 

We have been here for 2 months now, and it often feels surreal. Living out of America for 7-8 years (approx) in countries so different demographically, geographically, economically and socially is what I became used to. Preaching in territories that were virgin or seldom worked and finding people thirsty for truths was what my heart had been trained to do. The first month here, I thanked Jehovah every day for the marvelous learning experience and life I was exposed to during all my teenage years. I feel glad though that I was able to return somewhat older and more mature than when I left. I am mentally ready to face life in the US and am reminding myself that I can show support to my family by being here.

We live with my uncle and aunt and chose to return to the congregation we had been a part of so many years ago. This allowed the change to be smoother and it lessened the introductions. My mother and I were offered a job immediately that would allow both of us to continue pioneering, caring for the household responsibilities and care for the necessary things. This was clearly only through the loving kindness of Jehovah and the generous spirit he gives his people, our fellow brothers. 

Of course, we remain busy trying to always give Jehovah our best and the first fruits. We have finally settled into a schedule that seems perfect for my mom and I after having to be patient for a few weeks. 

I know there are maaaaany bible texts that we can receive encouragement from, but one in particular has helped me. 2 Samuel 22:26 has really strengthened my faith during this moment and has assured me of Jehovah's kind treatment. 

"With someone loyal you act in loyalty;
With the blameless, mighty man, you deal blamelessly;"

Yes, that is what I honestly believe. Have you had to move back to your home country after serving abroad for a time period and felt somewhat out of place? Maybe there is another scripture that has helped you and I don't mind hearing about it!

Su hermanita, 

Izmir - Janai