How have I been?
Health-wise, feeling good. I have exercised every day the past week. I have done swimming, running, and soccer with Ziv and friends. I know that being active helps my mood and keeps stress on a minimal level. Plus, the activities I am doing, don't cost a thing. And, I consider them oportunities to also socialize with others. Today, all the teens of the area will play Basketball at 4pm. I prefer Soccer, but will sacrifice myself today. :)
Emotionally, I am also fine. I haven't cried this week, or felt like I am about to break-down. I have been busy in service, starting new studies, so my mind cannot focus much on me. It is still my daily therapy. I am confident that Jehovah really knows what is best for us. Preaching makes me feel satisfied, safe, and happy. If I show Jah I love him, I know he will continue caring for me. So sacrificing my time for him, is not really a sacrifice, because I recieve so many blessings in behalf.
Economically, we have been terrible this week. I know we aren't the only ones suffering in that sense, but it can be worrisome. My parents had no money this week, so I have been paying for everything. On Tuesday, I realized we were running out of food. For the next two days, my mom and I brainstormed, about how to make our food stretch. We had like 6 vegetables, no meat, no rice, no water. So we made spaghetti and some little corn patties. We did boil water, to use as drinking water. I also had in mind, to grocery shopping ASAP. Well, we were invited to dinner Thursday night, which was a blessing. Brothers have offered us rides to town, which has saved me money. Í have had to walk a lot more, and avoid using the bus. For the meeting last night, I wanted to avoid spending an additional dollar on transportation, so I asked my fam if we could just walk to the KH. My family agreed and it was actually enjoyable. On Friday though, I was able to buy food at the Market, that will last us about another week. I bought a lot of vegetables, more rice, water, and some chicken.
Amidst all of this, I haven't feel anxiety at all. I only have 2 dollars left, but I am confident Jah will provide. My parents don't have a secure income, because both aren't working. Some transactions haven't come out as planned for them, so we've lost money. My mom is praying to find a job teaching English. I also have offered my tutoring skills. My dad might get a job, but that is all depending on certain factors. I also have some extra money in the bank, that can be used if necessary.
You know, I thank Jehovah so much for having trained my family to cope with these hardships. Being in Mexico helped us simplify to an incredible degree. We have learned to adjust to any discomfort. Our situation isn't really bad, if I compare it to a warzone or a concentration camp. Thinking about that helps. My brother also has had such a good attitude. He hasn't whinned, or cried, or anything of the sort, that could worsen the way my parents feel. Because we are so busy in the ministry, I know Jah is helping our hearts feel calm. In contrast to the way my mom, brother and I feel, my dad is having a harder time dealing with this. Instead of going out and preaching with us, he stays home. That is going to make him miserable. The adjustements we have had to make, will also make him suffer more, if he doesn't change his thinking. He disliked the boiled water we had to use a few days. I know, we all know, it isn't going to be the best taste in the world, but I avoid voicing that. My mom tries to encourage him to rely on Jehovah and see how he already has helped. I pray that my dad trusts more in Jah.
I am with my worldly family that lives in Libertad. They are so wealthy because they run several businesses. They invited us over for lunch today. (ANOTHER BLESSING) I am with my cousins, and we might get in the pool shortly. It is a little getaway for us.
Ok, so that is new. I am going to sell some of my clothes this week. I am so glad I am in a sewig course, because now I can make my own clothes!!
Tomorrow, we go to the villages. I have another 5 studies over there. So apart from the 7 I have here, and the 7 more I just started this week, I have 5 waiting for me every two weeks. Isn't that like a huge bonus from Jehovah??
Ok, love you all!
Hi Izmir :) Im Delilah Cota, we officially met at the playas English kh. Anyways sister, this post really touched my heart. It was super encouraging for me especially now. By the way you write you can definitely see that no matter what you are going thru, you are making Jehovah your confidence and that's beautiful!! Your post has helped me view things differently :) Jehovah is blessing your efforts greatly, that's amazing. I'll remember to keep your family in my prayers :) may Jehovah continue to bless your efforts wherever you serve him! Much love from the Cota Family!!