My dear blog began several years ago when my family moved to Baja California, Mexico to support the English field. Since then, I've written many service/life experiences in it from the different places we've lived in. May 2012, we moved to the Ecuadorian coast for over one year and then back to Mexico for another. I'm currently in Cali but with the latest change in my life, I have prospects of going back to Ecuador!
Jim and Robyn Kiethley. They are serving in the Montebello congregation in Tijuana. They have been in Mexico for over 2years. Every 8 months they've noticed a pattern form regarding their moving congregations to support congregations in need. When they first came to Mexico they moved to Maneadero Ingles, which is south of Ensenada. They helped it grow for 8 months and then were invited to move to my old congregation, La Cuesta Ingles. They stayed in the then newly formed congregation for 8 months as well. We were in need of publishers who worked the territory and they helped out a lot. A man they began studying with has since progressed to an incredible degree. This study, named Jaime, used to be a gang member and was involved with drugs. He is a non baptized publisher now and has been supporting the ministry every week and it seems as if he already is pioneering. The Kiethleys then switched to Montebello Ingles because there was only one elder and few pioneers. The territory in that congregation is the largest in any of the Tijuana congregations and they only had 5 pioneers when they moved over. It has since flourished and grown stronger as a congregation. Lots of studies are going to the meetings and progressing. Montebello still needs help! The Kiethleys have been there for 8 months now and have chosen to move to Sonora. They will be able to simplify their lives to an even greater degree and have better health. Im excited for them!
This is Valeria and she just turned 3 years old. She is the younger sister of a girl I study with. She likes pretending to read and joins us. Shes so cute!
This is my study Tanya and Valeria. Tanya reads very well. Her mother is also studying in English with my mom.
These are some kids who came to our meeting alone one Sunday meeting. They all used to study in San Quintin before moving to Rosarito. They had only been living in Rosarito for one week and by Sunday they found the Kingdom Hall. They were driven by their mom to the KH and dropped off. They sat together and the young girl, Eva and her older brother Santiago both commented. They received new literature and arrangements were made for all of them to start studying. They've been regular ever since and continue commenting. They also have started to dress up for meetings. Or family and others have given them extra clothes and they appreciate it. Im happy to see them so thirsty for learning about Jehovah.
Oh and this is just a picture of an Oxxo in Tijuana. Oxxo's are like 7/11's, but are almost on every corner or block. This is the smallest one I've ever seen.
rOSARITO Baja News- 4
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Hello Friends,
I havent sent out this email for a few weeks, but Ive been adding to a blog I keep. The link to my website is I added part of my activities of past weeks on it, so feel free to check it out!
2 weeks ago we had our C.O. come visit our congregation. He hasnt been in Mexico the past year due to health issues regarding their daughter, so he hasnt been able to visit us. And the year before we had a Sub C.O. visit the congregation since he physically couldnt visit all the 40-something congregations in our Circuit. We have so many congregations in just one Circuit alone that he needs Subs to visit the rest of the Circuit. It was a very special visit to have HIM visit us. We and many new publishers that had never met him before, were very excited. I added more details about them and the week on the blog.
Sunday of that week at the meeting we had a new elder apppointed. He came from another congregation south of Rosarito. He will become our CoBE. Im very glad that he and his family chose to move over and the congregation is looking forward to knowing them. He and his family are from Orange County originally and they have two boys aged 10 and 12. My brother is so excited! Since then theyve gotten along so well and worked together in service.
I appreciated the talks given at all meetings that week. They all tied up so wonderfully at the end and reminded me of the importance of showing impartiality. Plus, it made me rethink about what can be my bowl of stew. Am I giving importance to something material or physical over something spiritual? Are we fighting ourr angel for a blessing like Jacob? It was awesome.
All last week I worked out in service except for Monday. I had a few good calls and found one study. Friday I wasnt feeling my best. It had been windy the day before and I think my allergies hit me. I was sneezing. I chose to go out preaching that morning none the less. We had about 11 brothers and sisters go out. I worked with Julieta Avila part of the morning. I spoke to a man( what a surprise! ) and he spoke fine English, but was working. He told me his name is Juan, but they call him Juanebrio. How funny. Juan Sober is the translation. Anyways, he was busy working, so I left him the Truth tract and said Id return next week.
A few doors later, I found another man named Mario. His demeanor made me think that he was satisifed with his life. I suppose I felt judgmental about the way he looked. I thought, 'Oh, he wont be interested.'Anyways, I felt ashamed and reminded myself that I didnt know this person and chose to let the Bible to its thing.
I started out asking him if he thought prospects for the future would better.
He said, 'Honestly, (sigh) I dont think so.'
I led him to 2 Tim 3:1-4. Ive found these verses to be very efficient.
He said, 'Man, I see that everywhere, things are getting worse.'
'Where do you think we can find help?'
I wanted to show him the magazines, so I asked him what he thought of when he heard the word Armageddon.
'The End.'
I took out the magazines, and showed him the first page. I then read Rev 16:16 which was already cited. I mentioned that this word Armageddon only appers ONCE in the Bible, yet fear surrounds it. It makes people think of destruction or terror. Wouldnt you like to know what God himself says about it? He nodded and I shared pages 4 and 5 and pointed to the paragraphs that say What the Bible teaches. I was finishing up my presentation and exchanging names. By then, his little daughter of 3 came out and joined her daddy. He interrupted us and said, 'Well, do you have a place where you meet?'
'Of course!', we both said. My partner Julieta took out an invite and we found out that he has studied before and knows that this is the 'right course'. Julieta said something I really liked. She said that as a parent herself, we want the best life for our kids. So, why not give them the BEST heritage any child can have? He agreed and seemed like he wanted to go to our meeting that night! I was hoping he would. Ill return and try to start a door-step study.
Ok, so that was quite a long experience, but its one I can share. Later that morning I had an encounter with a lizard that was about 1 foot 1/2 long. It ran up to my foot and I jumped and yelled. That added a little fun and adventure to the morning. Nothing serious happened. At our meeting I had an impromptu with another young pioneer named Argy. I helped her with her part and it ended up nicely. Saturday we did calls in the morning and later went to a Baby Shower. Then Sunday I stayed home cleaning and studying. After our meeting we had a gathering at our home and it was packed. We danced and I had fun. I am in California this week. My grandparent flew into LAX last night. Im happy they are here.
Well, some new facts about Mexico that I learned regarding our Circuit are as follows:
- By the end of this year the goal is to have 20 total congregations in Tijuana alone.
- By the end of the year we want 20 additional congregation/groups through out our Circuit.
- The Pioneer Route now extends through out Central America and a few couples have already gone to their assignments. Others are leaving during the Summer.
Thats it for now. Theres much more I can share, but I will add it to my blog more frequently that by my email. I also have some pictures, but not many.
Share experiences too!!!!!
Your little Sis,
Last Week pt 1
Last week we had the Malet-Veale's visit the Mazatlan Ingles congregation, which is mine.
On Monday my family and I got all our service/mtg clothes and books ready for our full week of activity. It was much easier for me to have clothes ready for every day.
Well, Tuesday morning my mom and I had to travel to California and had lots to do. We had some appointments and other errands. We arrived with enough time to change and head to the KH. That night we had our Theocratic meeting and Ziv had the Bible Reading. I think he did very well with his tone of voice and his added gestures. The B.E. book is so excellent! Plus the # 3 talk on Jehovahs Higher Education was exactly what I needed. Jah is juust so awesome. We also had our first C.O. talk which taught us to appreciate Jehovahs impartiality. It reminded me of how wonderful Jehovah is and how we should try our utmost to imitate Him. Sadly its our tendency to show partiality to others, but we need to remember to be equal towards all. I thought it would benefit every one and also help us out in the territory. We had sat on the 2nd row of the auditorium and the MV's had sat on the opposite side of the row. After the meeting ended I quickly headed to Judy the C.O.W. (Circuit Overseer's Wife -its so much simpler to initial this) She was SO happy to see us. The last she had heard about my family was that we were back in California, which was true for last year. She hadnt recognized us at first from a profile view. Judy said it made her day seeing us back in Mexico even if it wasnt in our past congregation. We talked for like 10 minutes and she brought up a subject which dealt with a dilemma I have. Without even bringing the question or matter up, Judy began telling me about what she did with regards to her two daughters and their education. She added more details and two additional examples of other families and their kids. I felt like crying and watered up when she mentioned the same issue that I am going through and what she did about it with her daughters. It was so evident that Jehovah keeps me in mind and doesnt allow much time to lapse when answering prayers. Oh, the beginning of the week had already started wonderfully!
Wednsday we joined the field service meeting at the KH at 9am. LOTS of brothers and sisters showed up. Oh, there were so many, only 6 would have been needed for it to be the equal number of meeting attendance as the night before. It was a lot of us. That morning my mother and I did a study with a mother and daughter. The rest of the morning we continued doing return visits until the 1:15 meeting. That afternoon I joined Sara DLM, Lily and the Avila couple for RV's.We went to check on 3 of my calls but none were found. Around 3:30 we split from the Avila's and headed to one of Sara's studies. Around 5:10 we left to the KH since we had our Pioneer meeting with the C.O. We arrived about 5 mins before it started. There I met up with my mom and brother since they are Auxilary Pioneering indefinitely. The meeting began and we were reminded on how to improve in showing Zeal, Boldness and Endurance. Good stuff! We kinda kept going for another 10 minutes and some of the brothers from the spanish congregation began to enter the KH. We finished quickly with prayer and then headed outside. I hadnt realize it during the meeting, but some of the sp. brothers had kept about 20 or so other publishers outside the doors while we finished. I thought that was very loving in their part and I thanked those I met. We got home tired and ready to rest!
The next day was Thursday! Thursday we again met at the KH and did more return visits. I was trying very hard to catch all of my calls before Sunday so I could invite them all to the Special talks being given. I found a good number home and with the rest I chose to leave the invitation. I found one call I visit named Anjelica who cant cross to the US. I admire her endurance due to what shes going through. She has 2 kids who are 11 and 8 who are going to school in Oregon while living with their aunt. She hasnt seen them over a year or more ago and has to deal with them being seperated from her for so long. She still has to continue working with her husband and caring for her other 2 yr old daughter...Anyways, she understand English well and speaks it fluently, but doesnt read it. I gave her the Listen to God brochure a few months ago and we've been analyzing it together. I think that eventually I will have to pass her over to the spanish. Again we met up at 1:15 and I joined a couple for afternoon calls. The were Briand and Catherine Murray. I enjoy their company and like conversing with them. We did some of their rv's and checked on Peter. I had gone by the day before and I hadnt seen him. I went again that afternoon and didnt see him either. :( I was dissapointed. They dropped us off at home around 4 and I had some time to rest and tidy things up around the house. Around 6:15 some of the teens started to show up. Gustavo Dlm conducted Teen Nite. By the time we started Chapter 14 we had 14 kids! 14, 14...haha. The theme was on Suicide and we had almost everyone participate. Afterwards we played a few card games.
More happened the rest of the week but I will add more about it either later tonight or tomorrow. :) I also didnt have a working camera but will add photos from other activities.
On Monday my family and I got all our service/mtg clothes and books ready for our full week of activity. It was much easier for me to have clothes ready for every day.
Well, Tuesday morning my mom and I had to travel to California and had lots to do. We had some appointments and other errands. We arrived with enough time to change and head to the KH. That night we had our Theocratic meeting and Ziv had the Bible Reading. I think he did very well with his tone of voice and his added gestures. The B.E. book is so excellent! Plus the # 3 talk on Jehovahs Higher Education was exactly what I needed. Jah is juust so awesome. We also had our first C.O. talk which taught us to appreciate Jehovahs impartiality. It reminded me of how wonderful Jehovah is and how we should try our utmost to imitate Him. Sadly its our tendency to show partiality to others, but we need to remember to be equal towards all. I thought it would benefit every one and also help us out in the territory. We had sat on the 2nd row of the auditorium and the MV's had sat on the opposite side of the row. After the meeting ended I quickly headed to Judy the C.O.W. (Circuit Overseer's Wife -its so much simpler to initial this) She was SO happy to see us. The last she had heard about my family was that we were back in California, which was true for last year. She hadnt recognized us at first from a profile view. Judy said it made her day seeing us back in Mexico even if it wasnt in our past congregation. We talked for like 10 minutes and she brought up a subject which dealt with a dilemma I have. Without even bringing the question or matter up, Judy began telling me about what she did with regards to her two daughters and their education. She added more details and two additional examples of other families and their kids. I felt like crying and watered up when she mentioned the same issue that I am going through and what she did about it with her daughters. It was so evident that Jehovah keeps me in mind and doesnt allow much time to lapse when answering prayers. Oh, the beginning of the week had already started wonderfully!
Wednsday we joined the field service meeting at the KH at 9am. LOTS of brothers and sisters showed up. Oh, there were so many, only 6 would have been needed for it to be the equal number of meeting attendance as the night before. It was a lot of us. That morning my mother and I did a study with a mother and daughter. The rest of the morning we continued doing return visits until the 1:15 meeting. That afternoon I joined Sara DLM, Lily and the Avila couple for RV's.We went to check on 3 of my calls but none were found. Around 3:30 we split from the Avila's and headed to one of Sara's studies. Around 5:10 we left to the KH since we had our Pioneer meeting with the C.O. We arrived about 5 mins before it started. There I met up with my mom and brother since they are Auxilary Pioneering indefinitely. The meeting began and we were reminded on how to improve in showing Zeal, Boldness and Endurance. Good stuff! We kinda kept going for another 10 minutes and some of the brothers from the spanish congregation began to enter the KH. We finished quickly with prayer and then headed outside. I hadnt realize it during the meeting, but some of the sp. brothers had kept about 20 or so other publishers outside the doors while we finished. I thought that was very loving in their part and I thanked those I met. We got home tired and ready to rest!
The next day was Thursday! Thursday we again met at the KH and did more return visits. I was trying very hard to catch all of my calls before Sunday so I could invite them all to the Special talks being given. I found a good number home and with the rest I chose to leave the invitation. I found one call I visit named Anjelica who cant cross to the US. I admire her endurance due to what shes going through. She has 2 kids who are 11 and 8 who are going to school in Oregon while living with their aunt. She hasnt seen them over a year or more ago and has to deal with them being seperated from her for so long. She still has to continue working with her husband and caring for her other 2 yr old daughter...Anyways, she understand English well and speaks it fluently, but doesnt read it. I gave her the Listen to God brochure a few months ago and we've been analyzing it together. I think that eventually I will have to pass her over to the spanish. Again we met up at 1:15 and I joined a couple for afternoon calls. The were Briand and Catherine Murray. I enjoy their company and like conversing with them. We did some of their rv's and checked on Peter. I had gone by the day before and I hadnt seen him. I went again that afternoon and didnt see him either. :( I was dissapointed. They dropped us off at home around 4 and I had some time to rest and tidy things up around the house. Around 6:15 some of the teens started to show up. Gustavo Dlm conducted Teen Nite. By the time we started Chapter 14 we had 14 kids! 14, 14...haha. The theme was on Suicide and we had almost everyone participate. Afterwards we played a few card games.
More happened the rest of the week but I will add more about it either later tonight or tomorrow. :) I also didnt have a working camera but will add photos from other activities.
Our C.O.
I havent been as constant as I should be adding to this blog. Sorry.
Last week we had out Circuit Overseer Rick Malet-veale and his wife Judy visit our hall. They are a Canadian couple but have served abroad for over 20 years. They've been in St. Vincent, Haiti, the DR and Mexico. They've been serving as C.O.'s for the Mexico English circuits for 11 years. Rick was my instructor for PSS (Pioneer Service School) last year and I grew to appreciate him even more. He has lots of experiences to share and I soak them in. He makes funny faces and silly comments. Judy seems to be very serious as a first impresion but really isnt. She is friendly and encouraging. Judy recently had a fall and had a sprained ankle. Now her legs get swollen easily. In spite of this, she perseveres and goes out in service.
Last week we had out Circuit Overseer Rick Malet-veale and his wife Judy visit our hall. They are a Canadian couple but have served abroad for over 20 years. They've been in St. Vincent, Haiti, the DR and Mexico. They've been serving as C.O.'s for the Mexico English circuits for 11 years. Rick was my instructor for PSS (Pioneer Service School) last year and I grew to appreciate him even more. He has lots of experiences to share and I soak them in. He makes funny faces and silly comments. Judy seems to be very serious as a first impresion but really isnt. She is friendly and encouraging. Judy recently had a fall and had a sprained ankle. Now her legs get swollen easily. In spite of this, she perseveres and goes out in service.
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