
Micaiah Leaves

Since last Wednesday Micaiah spent the last of his days in Ecuador travelling solo around Guayaquil and Cuenca. He was able to meet up with his friends in both places, so that was great for him. They did several things we hadn´t been able to do the 3 weeks prior. While in Cuenca, he was able to meet several young need-greaters from abroad and also go to an Assembly on Sunday. Monday the plan was for him to travel back to Guayaquil and meet us at the Branch.

Yesterday morning, my grandfather, mom, brother and I took a ride with an aunt/cousin of mine to Guayaquil. I had been able to arrange for a morning tour and for lunch with this cool Bethel couple. We had already been travelling for an hour when Micaiah called and told us he had hit his head that night. Therefore, he still hadn´t left Cuenca, and still had another 4 hours to travel. We had to pospone the tour and cancel lunch and go to my aunts home and wait. The waiting part was no problem cuz I still had lots to write and do before Micaiah left. We did get to tour the Branch at 3:30pm and go into a Resident building.

Last night, after doing last minute shopping and having some DELICIOUS artesanal Ice-Cream, we went back to my aunts home. Then my mom and I headed to my aunt/cousin Gabbys house to spend the night there, while Ziv and Micaiah stayed at my aunts. I wasnt extremely happy about that, because it WAS HIS LAST NIGHT HERE, but whatever.. This morning, after coming for Micaiah at my aunts house, we drove to the Airport immediately after. It was all over pretty quickly.

I think we´ve become real good friends, something I wouldn´t have thought possible, being so far away.

Im feeling okay. I think later on this week, I will be thinking more about it. But, for now, I am fine. ;)

Haha.. Ok.. Here are some pictures from his trip.. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Izmir!

    My name is Bethan Williams, I'm 16. I live in England near the city of Oxford. My family are coming to visit Ecuador in April for a month to check it out as a place to live to serve where the need is greater! We would really like to expand our service, my mum came across your blog today and I'd love to ask you some questions about life in Ecuador :) My email address is bethanbobby@gmail.com I've been so encouraged by reading your blog!
