
This Week...

So, since Saturday we've done a lot. Saturday we went to the La Cuesta mtg and said goodbye to everyone. I was sad, but I dont think I showed it much, well I dont know. We then went to Bradlieghs house, ate and I wrote on my notebook while she was doing someting on the Net. I talked a bit with Chen and then Jer came back from buying tacos. Once they had finished, we chose to dance the Wii game Just Dance, I had lots of fun! We danced and then my parents came to pcik me up, Ziv stayed. I had to go home and get my maleta ready for our trp back to Cali the next day. While I did so, I played some music and thought about house dirty my room had gotten in 2 weeks. Later I cleaned somewhat and got ready to go to Dinner with the Cash. They picked us up, without Sarah since she had to go to the states, and drove to Puerto Nuevo...nice suprise! We got a nice table near a fireplace and ordered. We all were able to talk and express how we felt about the move. I enjoyed it. I shared a dish with Bradleigh and got a Mexican Combo. We stayed for a while, chatted and took some pictures which I will eventually upload. We got dropped off, got our clothes ready for the next day and slept. The next day I woke up earlier than the rest of my family and wrote on my blog about Fridays Assembly. I cleaned my bathroom and room, and made sure I had everything ready for our trip. My family woke up. We read the Daily Text, ate and picked up. I realized that I still needed some stuff settled before we left, so I started to do that while the rest of my family got their belongings ready. It was about 1pm or so by the time we left. We took one of our cars to my grandparents home in Sta Fe and then ate at a Chinese Buffet. We drove to the border and we had to wait about an hour in a half. We crossed, got some IceCream and I called a friend to make arrangements to attend the frnech meeting that afternoon. We arrived at the K.H. around 7pm, 30 mins late, but I had already dressed in the car (it was already dark, so no one could see me). I was dropped off and heard the W.T. and another 15 min talk, since they had the C.O. that week. I met a young brother from Peru and also others. After my friend Claudia took me out to McDs and took me home. Monday morning I think we did letter writing. We picked up my mom and went to visit a friend who was at the Hospital. I had never met them before, but I know my mom and aunt had known them since childhood. After that we did some other things, I cant rememeber. Oh but that night we went to the Cypress Spanish Meeting and I really liked it. Tuesday we did more letter writing at Starbucks with a friend. My aunt had told a sister shed take her hub to the Dr, so we picked  him up with his daughter and drove him to Irvine. On our way to and back form there we were able to give him a witness. He asked a lot of questions regarding blood and similar topics. Once we dropped them off, we all sighed, but left on positive terms...We drove home and were tired. My aunt still had a meeting that night since she has the C.O. visit.  I went to that meeting too and was asked to do a demo with my aunt and Rachel. Wednsday I did more letter writing and this time Claudia joined us. After I left with her to her French service meeting. We did territory in the Ontario area. I got off a few times and we only talked to a young man who definitley spoke no French. In  our Car group we had Luke, a teacher whos name splis my mind, Gilbert, Claudia and myself. We finished at 12 and then Claudia took me to the KH, where I waited for my aunt to arrive. The C.O. and his wife arrived so we entered the K.H. and waited. I worked with my aunt for about an hour and we chose to visit an old acquaintance of mine who now has a daughter. We tried to encourage her and we arranged to pick her up for the mtg Sunday. We met up again at the K.H. and this time were joined by the C.O. and his wife. We talked about our move and also about my different options. It was truly refreshing to talk to them and see how much they support anyone who wants to learn a different language. When we finished it was about 4:30pm. I was tired,  but my aunt still took us to the Library. I got two book and one about a young girl who lives in Ecaudor. Im almost done with it. I got home, ate some sopita and did my nails. Some brothers ans sisters came over and talked with my grandpa. Then some other brother came to drop off Zivs jacket, since that morning he had worked with them out on service. I got comfy and  read some more and slept. I will write more on what I did yesterday and today. I am doing ok and we aren't going to Mexico this weekend. We are all good, will write tomorrow!

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