
Rosarito Baja News- 3


  So, I've been well this week. I suppose every week is a good one as long as I'm obedient to Jehovah and out their helping people. Last Friday we I went to the service meeting and only 2 other sisters showed up. All three of us went to the territory and had a succesful morning. Though the weather was getting cold and was a bit foggy, we each spoke with at least one person. I found 2 men at their homes, and I shared a Bible text with each one. I was apprehensive for a moment with the first man. He seemd like a know-it-all and I thought he was going to be synical. I was wrong! He accepted the December magazines and allowed for a return visit. The second man I spoke with was obviouslly deported. He said he has many questions about life and God. He believes in God, but isnt interested in religion. He's gone to various churches but none have satisfied him. He is currently going to Calvary Chapel and likes the Pastor. He knows that the world situation is getting crazy and thats why he's turning to the Bible for anwers. I told him I understood his feelings regarding religion and commended him for searching for the answers. Then, I read Tim 3: 1-4, 18 and asked him to tell me if he's noticed any of these descriptions now. He was very enthusiastic about the fact that what was mentioned, is actually being seen now. I also lead him to the Truth Tract and explained how we, as JW's, are looking for people who want answers from God'sWord. I read the first question box with him. We spoke for a few minutes afterwards, and I promised to return with a Bible. I need to go back tomorrow, hopefully.

 After finishing the territory, the sisters took me on my call Pedro. Remember my bird poop experience? Well, thats Pedro!Though I had gone by about 3 times during the week, I found him there that morning. I read about 6 paragraphs with him and various scriptures. I noticed that he has very low reading comprehension. So, I would ask secondary questions, and stress certain clue words. Repetition is something that I have to continue to use too. His reading is good, but he also doesnt ahve a wide vocabulary. I did a brief review afterwards and I think his understanding overall is well.  Patience will help me, and of course, Jah's spirit. Pedro seems like hes truly appreciative about learning and says it, so I wont stop going!

 Our meeting time has changed with the new year. I wouldve prefered an earlier time, but 4pm it is! Thats okay, at least we have somewhere to meet! About two weeks ago I had heard of a fire damaging a KH in SD. Now, yesterday I heard of a second fire, at the same KH and vandalization being done to it. It made me think of how the situation will continue to worsen, not just abroad, but also in our area. Nothing that serious has happened to our KH's locally, but we never know!

  Today my mom, brother and I were ready to go out in the ministry, but the car never turned on. We each tried, but the car wouldnt even squeak. We walked to the main boulevard and did 'public witnessing'. I visited a lady call, but she wasnt home. My brother checked up on two, and he has nice brief conversations with them. My mom spoke to about 2 different men, who were both working at seperate locations.  they both spoke good English and were also deportees. She placed mags with them and hopes to return to continue the conversation.  It was a pleasant morning and also very dry and windy. It almost felt like summer. Tomorrow is Teen Nite, and Friday is our meeting. I will write more next week!

Facts of Mexico: All of the work that was being done in the Central American branches, have now been directed to the Mexico Branch. Mexico is now in charge of the literature for those countries, amongst other things. Another cool fact from June, is that 12.9% of the Publishers work as Regular Pioneers.

  Hope I hear some of your cool experiences!!!!

     Your little sister,


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