
Ecuador Facts

It’s been about a week since I’ve written a somewhat thorough composition of what I’ve done recently. I can assure you that I am surprised of what I’ve caught the attention of. Not only are they in large quantity and annoying, but their traces are also very itchy. Can you guess what it might be? Mosquitoes - they seem to like me. Wasps also seem to be attracted to me since they attempt to tangle themselves in my hair whenever I’m out walking, or preaching, or giving a presentation to a householder!!  Well, that part of being here is something I ignore, but the mosquito bites have become quite red and are so unbearable! A sister yesterday told me to put menthol on any recent bite, since it will lessen the swelling and prevent itch. I was not at all modest in my application, I almost lathered myself in menthol.
For Mothers Day the surrounding towns of Salinas all celebrated. One service meeting was cancelled for Sunday since many of the families celebrate it at large and can be hungover. That Sunday morning from around 5 am until the late evening we would hear serenades going to different houses and playing live music to the moms. Trucks would carry a band in the back and have the speakers sounding wherever they drove to. Some families would go outside and dance to the music being played. It was something unusual and funny for me to see.

There are green parrots everywhere. They fly around this big tree in front of our house and sing extremey loudly. Imagin being sound asleep in a hamack and then hearing a startling shriek wake you. Its as if they are talking to eachother. They are very loud, but in other occasions, they are pleasant to hear and see.
I also got a pedicure done. I have to include this in my blog because it taught me to appreciate being pampered. Hahaha...
So normally a pedi can cost around 17 dollars in the US. About 10 to 12 dollars in Mexico. Well, yesterday I got a pedicure for 3 BUCKAROOS!!!!!! I was so happy! If I had wanted a manicure it wouldve been another 2 dollars, totalling 5! All the ladies in my family are thrilled.

I also bought some fruits and veggies today. 5 bananas, 4 carrots, 2 pounds of potatoes and a weird fruit called uhm I forgot. Anyways, I got al of that for 1.70$ HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!

Yeah, I also was at an Internet Cafe, which here is called a Cyber Net, and I used the computer for about 15 minutes. That cost me 10 centss! Life can be cheap here, but I have to remind myself that Im not rich and not to splurge.

Tonight I wanted to go to the meeting in Santa Elena since my gramps are going. I am stil unsure.

Last night we attended the Ensenada congregation. This spanish cong is hosting the English non official group. It only has meetings every 15 days. About 30 publishers support the Sunday meeting. I am looking forward to this Sunday!! I met a couple from Oregon who recently moved here 3 months ago.

I have to go since we all need to use the Internet. HOPE YOURE DOING GREAT AND COME VISIT ME!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an adventure!! Thank you for sharing some of your activities with us..it truly feels like we're there with you!!

