

These are some videos from recent spiritual activities. The two that follow are from the DA about one month ago. The electricity went out during a talk! The first time it happened lasted about 15 minutes, but then it happened again for another 5. The generator they used was so loud, it was hard to hear the speaker. Everyone did remain seated, though some used this mini break to use the restroom or greet those sitting nearby. After the morning session, the lunch break was cut short to 30 minutes due to a time crunch. Not only did the electricity take time away but we had to be out of the Coliseum by 3:30pm because the Mayor did not cancel an event scheduled for 5pm, even though we had a contract to use the Coliseum the whole weekend. Not fair! We got to see the brotherhood in action that evening because after the event many had to go back to set-up again and clean for the next day.

The 3rd video is my grandfather with 2 friends I've made here. One of the young brothers (with glasses) is serving in a needy congregation that has about 70 kids. Ive mentioned him before, Daniel. The other one, was my neighbor and is also in other pictures. He's finishing High School.

This is a video of the group of kids half our District has. Our C.O. was moving the next day to another Province to start his new assignment. This was like a gift from all the kids for him. I loved it! You will see Ziv right in the middle of it all. This was also for the C.O. visit at the Anconcito congregation about 1 month before. All the kids from that Hall had prepared to sing him a song. They were practicing here.


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